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The Liar

By James, Henry

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Book Id: WPLBN0000628096
Format Type: PDF eBook
File Size: 77.80 KB
Reproduction Date: 2005

Title: The Liar  
Author: James, Henry
Language: English
Subject: Literature, Literature & thought, Writing.
Collections: Blackmask Online Collection
Publication Date:
Publisher: Blackmask Online


APA MLA Chicago

James, H. (n.d.). The Liar. Retrieved from

Excerpt: THE train was half an hour late and the drive from the station longer than he had supposed, so that when he reached the house its inmates had dispersed to dress for dinner and he was conducted straight to his room. The curtains were drawn in this asylum, the candles were lighted, the fire was bright, and when the servant had quickly put out his clothes the comfortable little place became suggestive seemed to promise a pleasant house, a various party, talks, acquaintances, affinities, to say nothing of very good cheer. He was too occupied with his profession to pay many country visits, but he had heard people who had more time for them speak of establishments where ?they do you very well'. He foresaw that the proprietors of Stayes would do him very well. In his bedroom at a country house he always looked first at the books on the shelf and the prints on the walls; he considered that these things gave a sort of measure of the culture and even of the character of his hosts. Though he had but little time to devote to them on this occasion a cursory inspection assured him that if the literature, as usual, was mainly American and humorous the art consisted neither of the water?colour studies of the children nor of ?goody? engravings. The walls were adorned with old?fashioned lithographs, principally portraits of country gentlemen with high collars and riding gloves: this suggested and it was encouraging that the tradition of portraiture was held in esteem. There was the customary novel of Mr Le Fanu, for the bedside; the ideal reading in a country house for the hours after midnight. Oliver Lyon could scarcely forbear beginning it while he buttoned his shirt.

Table of Contents
Table of Contents: The Liar, 1 -- Henry James, 1 -- 1, 1 -- 2, 13 -- 3, 19 -- The Liar -- iQ


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